Hello, our names are Todd & Stephanie Hoke and we are the proud new owners & operators of Pisgah Forest RV Park & Campground. You may be wondering, how did we end up owning an RV Park near Brevard, NC? It all started in 2021…
We are a family of four…Todd, Stephanie, our Border Collie/Australian Shepherd fur-baby Sienna, and our petite tabby cat, Cleo. We are full time residents of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina but for a period of time enjoyed a vacation home, which we built, in Saluda, North Carolina. Being outdoor enthusiasts, enjoying everything from wakeboarding, running, hiking, biking, and more we were grateful for the ability to play in both the mountains and at the beach. Eventually we decided to sell our Saluda cabin in hopes to find land closer to our “playground”, Dupont & Pisgah. Fast forward a year or two and the toll of being the sole owners and operators of a vacation rental company on Hilton Head Island for over 14 years had set in. Although we enjoyed the relationships built with our property owners, guests, and vendors we desired a change of pace. So in 2021, we made the decision to sell our vacation rental business, our home and most everything we owned to take a sabbatical and travel. We purchased a DRV 5th wheel and our family of 4 set out to hike & mountain bike our way around the United States.
We spent from March 2023 until November 2023 seeing some of the most beautiful places in our country. We visited 23 states in search of the most epic hiking and mountain biking trails we could find. We went on the trip with an open mind, and a plan to “not have a plan”. If a specific area resonated with us, we would consider planting roots and ending our sabbatical. We also used this time to think about what we wanted our next business to be. We worked our way around the US with the decision to spend the winter months back on Hilton Head Island, and our last RV reservation before returning to the island being at Pisgah Forest RV Park & Campground. Although we did not find a new “home” during these 9 months, a strong desire to own an RV Park surfaced. With our background in the short-term rental business, and our love of RV travels, this was a good fit for us. Many similarities exist with the two businesses, but managing dirt being a bit less intense. LOL!
After seeing so many amazing places, we were still drawn to the Pisgah Forest/Brevard area. We love the beauty of the area, the mountain bike trails in Dupont remain our favorite, our pup Sienna loves the trails and waterfalls…there is just so many great things to do in the area and quaint towns to enjoy. Pisgah Forest RV Park & Campground is a newer park, in the perfect location for us, with exciting potential. And the camp host, Pam, was soo welcoming to us and our fur babies. So with a shot in the dark, we called the owner Brian to see if he had interest in selling the park. Low & behold, on June 28, 2024 we celebrated our purchase of the RV Park!
We could not be more thrilled with this new adventure of being the owners of Pisgah Forest RV Park & Campground. We feel very fortunate to have Pam continuing as our caretaker, as she is the most welcoming camp host we have ever experienced. Anyone who knows us, can attest to the fact that we do not know how to rest. We would rather be outside playing or working…so if you see a man with a big smile using his tractor to grade sites, or a woman with a large brim hat walking around pulling weeds, please stop to say “hi” to us We have many plans to expand and enhance what we feel is already the best RV park in the Asheville area. We hope you enjoy staying with us at Pisgah Forest RV Park & Campground…and continue to visit us in future.